Turning an eye sore into a community garden
Lovely Cotswold stone has been laid at the front of the garden to offset the green colour and it looks magnificent. We have also erected a wooden picket fence along the boundary. Coming along nicely.
Thanks to the team we have now installed the posts at the front of the community garden. This will allow us to secure the front so that no vehicles can drive on, making it a pedestrian and wheelchair friendly environment.
The garden is coming together nicely. Of course, once the plants go in, we need water. So we had the idea of collecting rainwater through a guttering system that would fill up two water butts for a total of 700 litres! Rainwater is really good for the plants, better than tap water.
A big thank you to Tracey Medlyn from the Royal Horticultural Society for providing us with these planters. They look great and we hope to plant vegetables in them eventually.
There is nothing like sitting down on a picnic table on a summers day and enjoying food and drink. Picnic tables have gone in today and have to say they look fab!
Border rolls are now going in which will seperate the border from the lawn.
We have had to put these sturdy treated wooden planks in to stop the compost from going through the gate and to keep it within the border we are designing. Hard work but it's got to be done!